St Anne's & Brislington Slimming World Groups - 07867783911

The friendliest, most enjoyable way to find that slimmer, fitter you. x

The St. Anne's and Brislington (Hampstead Road) Slimming World groups run by Emma Woods have enjoyed a growing reputation by shrinking its group members since the beginning of her involvement in the locality in 2011. In this time she has seen all of her groups go from a loyal band of a dozen or so members, to over 50-strong in a majority of sessions.

All Slimming World groups are designed to assist with weight loss without depriving yourself of decent portion sizes, it is marketed as a lifestyle ethos rather than a straightforward diet regime after all. The groups are all non-judgmental in nature which is fantastic. Nobody gets to hear your actual weight. All the group are told is what your weight loss is in any one week.

Whatever it is about the Brislington & St. Anne's areas that attract such an excellent group of people through the doors however is amazing. After the weigh-in, a session called image therapy takes place. This is where we get to bask in the glory of our successes, or give ideas and give our support to people who need to get back on track after having occasions where sticking to the plan has been difficult. Although this may seem difficult to attach any element of fun, every effort is made to ensure that everyone leaves with inspiration and a smile.

Emma is the consultant of the group, and it is her enthusiasm that rubs off onto all of us and makes us so keen to get to our personal targets, and to do all we can to see our new-found friends reach theirs.

So please ditch any 'Little Britain' opinions you may have of weight loss groups and whether you're young, old, male or female please pay us a visit.

Mike Wetton
(8 stone lighter in 2½ years)

St Anne's Junior School, Wick Road, BS4 - 7:30pm Tuesdays. *
St Christopher's Church, Hampstead Road, BS4 - 5:30 & 7:30pm on Wednesday's. *

* (May occasionally vary during Christmas and New Year)

Joining fee is £9.95 (See this page and/or national press, or magazines for details of occasional offers.)

Each subsequent group fee is just £4.95 / €9** weekly (less for senior citizens)

This can be as low as £4.12 / €7.50 ** a week or less with a 6 or 12 week pre-payment Countdown course! Ask Emma for details.

If you cannot make either of Emma's groups at some point, you can take your card and member pack to any other Slimming World group. Full details of other local groups are available online.

See you there.

** (Joining and weekly fees correct at time of posting - 30th December 2014 prices subject to change without prior notice)

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