1st Marston Green Scout Group

1st Marston Green Scout Group is a charitable organisation offering fun, friendship and more to young people aged 6 +

We believe that Scouting encourages young people and adults to develop and learn - whilst having fun! We love the outdoors and do our best you give our members the best Scouting experience possible.

Scouting is open to all so please contact us if you would like to join in the everyday adventure that is Scouting! Or support us by attending our fundraising events throughout the year.

All sections are open to girls and boys. Come and try for 3 weeks before having to pay termly subs and purchase the section uniform.

Beavers aged 6-8
Cubs aged 8-10.5
Scouts aged 10.5 - 14
Orion Explorers aged 14-18 (linked to 1st Marston Green and 1st Chelmsley Wood Scout Groups).

We welcome adult support whether it's helping at sections night, at camp, maintaining facilities and equipment, becoming a committee member or being part of the "fun"draising events team.

Address & Contact

Map & Directions

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