Alan Clayton Associates - 01320366832

Alan Clayton Associates help charities, NGOs and non-profits achieve great fundraising - raising more money to achieve a bigger impact.

Alan Clayton Associates unite organisations behind their fundraising ambition and help them achieve 'great fundraising' - large scale, sustainable, growth.

We help you tackle the greatest challenge of great fundraising, internal blockages, and help charities grow their income significantly.

Getting the whole organisation lined up behind fundraising is stage one of making great fundraising happen. The best leaders know that culture is everything. Inspiration, across the organisation, is what aligns the culture and allows colleagues to make the organisation more ‘fundraisable.

Inspiration is the key.

By working with Alan Clayton Associates you will be inspired – but more than that, you will learn how to inspire your leadership, organisation and donors to ever greater action and financial results.

We have combined academic research (which we commissioned) with our own internal research of over 330 clients and 20 years of expertise. The outcome is our unique series of people driven processes. Ultimately, all internal conflict is emotional. The solution is therefore found in the emotional space. So that’s where we work. It’s powerful but tiring. It’s simple, but not at all easy.

We offer:

• Seminars. Immersive, action-orientated training for boards, chief executives, directors, managers, marketers, fundraisers, freelancers and entrepreneurs.

• Big ideas: The New Ambition. We lock ourselves away with you for two or three days. Jointly, we create the big idea which will unite your organisation. The outcome may be a brand, a campaign, an appeal or a product/service. Whatever it ends up as, we call it the New Ambition – the start of your next surge of growth. The process of creating the idea aligns your internal culture and inspires, focuses and motivates your entire organisation.

• Consulting, coaching and creative. The hands-on follow up to training or a big idea seminar which keeps you focused, targeted and determined. Without compromise.

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Inchnacardoch Lodge
Fort Augustus

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