Alx Creations - 07789503729

At Alx Creations I capture memories and moments in time, in beautiful, handcrafted glass. Visit for bespoke glass art.

History lies around us

Memories lie within us

Both are moments in time

Some are ephemeral; some are carved in our souls

At Alx Creations I endeavour to hold those memories and the emotions they evoke, in beautiful, handcrafted glass. The work I create is focused around the concept of memory collection and preservation. Each and every piece is individually hand crafted to encapsulate a particular moment in time. My work ranges from small pieces of bespoke jewelry and home- ware to large works of public art, gallery work and commissions.

As an artist, I have had a passion for art my entire life. This lead me to study Three Dimensional Design at Manchester Metropolitan University. It was here that I found my passion for glass. Since graduating I have developed my skills as a glass artist and have gone on to work with a wide variety of people running workshops and creating numerous works of art.

Tags: Arts & Entertainment

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unit 3b spa field industrial estate
Arts & Entertainment

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