Ambitions Heywood - Julie:07563195611 Karen:07794884821 Mandy: 07980356106

Ambitions Art Workshop is a community group organised and operated by non-paid volunteers. Formed with the help of New Heart for Heywood in 2007, the aim is to provide local children and young people (aged 8-16 years) with access to drama workshops at affordable prices.

The group meets for two hours on a weekly basis offering workshops in either Performance Art – instruction in acting, singing and dancing or Creative Art – instruction in creating props, sets and costumes etc, members to opt for their preference on joining.

All volunteers working with the group must obtain a CRB check. (The cost of which will be met by the group).

All monies raised through admission costs / fund raising etc is used for the purpose of room hire, membership to NODA, insurance, and raw materials used for costumes, props, etc. All transactions are recorded and open to scrutiny by the members.

Tags: Arts & Entertainment

Address & Contact

Hind Hill Street
Julie:07563195611 Karen:07794884821 Mandy: 07980356106
Arts & Entertainment

Map & Directions

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