Appleby Heritage Centre - 01768353350

Appleby Training and Heritage Centre Limited was set up in 1996 to convert a decaying Midland Railway goods shed, set just outside Appleby Railway Station alongside the Settle-Carlisle Railway, into a workshop for restoring heritage vehicles whilst providing local employment, training in traditional skills and providing a much needed workshop in East Cumbria.

We also do quite a few training courses at various levels including NVQs, GNVQs and AVCS.

A young engineer (Link to Young Engineer page)Whilst many of these are computing related such as ECDL, CLAIT, digital photography, accounting and others, there are also a number of engineering courses available (inline with the Heritage side of the Centre). These include CAD (Computer Aided Design), Welding, Wood Occupations and others. For young people aged between the ages of 14 and 16 there is the Young Engineer programme, a course designed to introduce a new generation of people to the engineering industry, as there is a coming shortage of skilled and able engineers.

For any information on the heritage or training aspects of the Centre, or even just for general enquiries, please feel free to get in touch.

Address & Contact

Station Yard

Map & Directions

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