Aquarian Holistic Healing - 07402 891591

Aquarian Holistic Healing provides healing and spiritual nourishment for the mind, body and soul in East London:: Sound Healing and guidance.

I am a complementary therapist offering Sound Healing and Life Purpose Guidance in Bethnal Green for anyone who is looking to help improve their health and well-being.

Modern day living can cause the body to become out of balance, leaving you feeling tired, run-down and feeling out-of-sorts. My approach is to restore balance by treating the mind, body and spirit holistically, naturally and gently.

I work with clearing, balancing and aligning the chakras (body's energy centres). When the chakras are blocked, it can lead to physical health issues and mental and emotional imbalances.

My approach is providing you with the space to be and epxress who you truly are because by doing this we are aligned with our Truth, which is what allows transformation and healing to occur.

Address & Contact

St Margarets House, 21 Old Ford Road
Bethnal Green
07402 891591

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