Ashtanga Wimborne

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
The Yoga Chikitsa (Primary) Series

Classes Tuesdays and Wednesday evenings. Please message me for details.

Starting in May 2013, I will be teaching the Ashtanga Primary Series on Wednesday evenings at the Methodist Hall, 4A King Street, Wimborne (next to Holmans).

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga was developed by Sri Pattabhi Jois (Guruji) in Mysore, India, in the 1950's. It was introduced to North America in the 1970's and today is practised widely throughout the Western World.

The Primary series is a set of around 50 asanas (postures) linked by breath. Each posture builds strength and flexibility and the series is designed so that the early postures act as building blocks for the later ones.

The benefits of a regular yoga practice are both physical and mental.

I am a fully qualified British Wheel of Yoga instructor and have completed the first part of John and Lucy Scott's Ashtanga-specific teacher training course. Their lineage goes directly back to Guriji as they spend many years working closely with him in India.

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