paintball from ages 7 and up
Simply put, splat ball is a sporting goods product that shoots colour filled round Ammo resulting in a Splat. The Ammo is 100% biodegradable, non toxic, resists stains, and easily washes away with water. Splat ball guns are spring loaded and shoot at a velocity 100 miles per hour. At this speed, you can see the Ammo in the air before you see the satisfaction of your Splat. splatball was engineered so kids (and adults!) ages 7+ could easily cock, load, and fire. splatball is a versatile product that can be played in our specially adapted arena – simply follow a few guidelines and rules, including always wearing eye protection, and you will have hours and hours of safe fun. After learning the basics of safety, alien, predators and space marshals will enter the arena to test their skills over three games including seek and destroy. Capture the flags and the grand final of hoist your flag!! The gelatine shell of splatball Ammo will have a low impact break and is not painful. You will feel impact, but it doesn’t hurt. 7 YEARS OLD – 10 YEARS OLD
Battleball is a smaller, lighter and more efficient product by reducing the standard .68 Caliber paintball to this new .50 Caliber size. All related equipment is smaller and lighter than .68 Caliber gear like the marker, loader, tank and paintballs but is capable of delivering almost twice the volume of ammunition. Players will be able to carry more paintballs and enjoy the game longer.This all new reduced size battleball .50 Caliber paintball is a smaller ammunition which means greater accuracy and efficiency, less mess, less impact and longer Length of time spent on the field is increased because players do not have to reload their pods/tubes or tanks as often.Since the paintball has less mass the energy carried during impact even at 300 feet per second is tolerable and less likely to cause excessive bruising of the skin. Impact energy at 300 feet per second is rated at approximately 5 joules compared to 13 joules from a .68 Caliber paintball fired at the same velocity. 11 YEARS OLD – 16 YEARS OLD AND FEMALE PLAYERS
Paintball is a sport in which players compete, in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by tagging them with capsules containing water soluble dye and gelatin shell outside (referred to as paintballs) propelled from a device called a paintball marker (commonly referred to as a paintball gun). Paintballs are composed of a non-toxic, biodegradable, water soluble polymer. The game is regularly played at a sporting level with organized competition involving major tournaments, professional teams, and players. Games can be played on indoor or outdoor fields of varying sizes. A game field is scattered with natural or artificial terrain, which players use for tactical cover. Game types in paintball vary, but can include capture the flag, elimination, ammunition limits, defending or attacking a particular point or area, or capturing objects of interest hidden in the playing area..