Beautiful Balloons Royston - 01223 207577 or 01763 236223

Beautiful Balloons has quite literally everything you need for parties. We sell fancy dress, wigs and accessories, we decorate venues for weddings, special parties and proms and also offer a bespoke party planning service.

Beautiful Balloons is a party shop in Royston. Stocking everything you need for parties from balloons to confetti, table centres to birthday candles and everything inbetween. As well as owning a shop Beautiful Balloons also goes on ouside jobs decorating proms, weddings and parties.

For those who are getting ready for fancy dress parties we sell wigs, accessories and whole costumes too. If we aren't selling the item you want, give us two weeks notice and we can order it for you.

Remember you can check out our website or phone us for a more personal call about your party or fancy dress outfit.

We hope to see you soon.

Tags: Party Supply & Rental Shop

Address & Contact

Unit 11, Road Farm, Ermine Way (Old North Road)
01223 207577 or 01763 236223
Local Business

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