Bingo at Birstall Social Club
Bingo! Everyone welcome. Come down and join us on Thursday & Sunday Evenings.
Bingo is played in the concert room, which is open from 7:45pm to get seats and purchase bingo.
Newly refurbished lounge and games room are open before then if you fancy an early drink.
Thursday session:
Eyes down 8:30pm
we play 4 flyers and a 4 page booklet which are all sold at the start of the evening.
Open the box and a money raffle is available..
with the box going upto £500!
Lots of bonuses on book and flyers!
10pm finish, those who wish to stay for a late drink are most welcome.
Sunday evening Sessions:
The same as Thursday just a little different:
3 page book and 5 flyers and open the box.
Still plenty of bonuses.
We also have a good selection of bingo pens and markers available to purchase.
We hold special Bingo events a few times a year, and also free raffles and offers so keep your eyes on the page for the next to pop up.
Tags: Region,Arts & Entertainment