Blantyre Old 450th

Still Serving the Community

This year Blantyre Old celebrates its 450th Anniversary and we will be celebrating this throughout the year with various events. Also to mark the occasion we will have a display and exhibition with local people's memorabilia including historical documents.

We have a dedicated team led by Senior Elder Robert Freer with support from local historian Gordon Cook. Gordon and Robert were good friends with the late Charlie Neilson who was an Elder at Blantyre Old and loved his church and local parish dearly.

Charlie sadly passed away but his daughter, Margaret, has kept his all his historical documents of the Church, which he manly received from Gordon. Margaret has spent a lot of time by collating and filing the information. Many of the documents have also been transcribed by congregation member Ella Cunningham, who has a passion for history.

Below is brief information about Blantyre Old and where it all began. Please keep an eye on our facebook page for more information. We will also be launching a new website to coincide with the celebrations.


Blantyre Old Parish Church was founded in 1567 by the Rev. William Chirnside who had been priest in charge of Blantyre Priory from 1552 to 1567.

The Parish Church in use from the Reformation stood until 1793 when it was replaced by a plain and barn like building erected on the same site. This was demolished in 1863 when a larger and more beautiful church was erected within 50 yards of the original site.

The Church bell was presented to the heritors of Blantyre Parish in 1863 by Mr. & Mrs. Leadbetter & Co. Founders, Glasgow.

The old burial ground adjoining the church is no longer in use but is maintained and cared for by the local council. The oldest gravestone discovered so far is dated 1665 and is Rev. John Heriot, 90, born 1575 when Mary Queen of Scots, was on the throne.

Dr. David Livingstone was baptised at Blantyre Old Parish Church and the font used is still used for baptisms today.


The Rose Window:
(located above the Pulpit)

Symbols of the window -
*Centre Panel depicts - Holy Spirit descending into the congregation.
*Cup – is of special importance in the tradition of the congregation.
*Flame of the Holy Spirit.
*Corn of Wheat – which was cast into the ground
*Fruit of the Vine – Christ’s Blood.
*The Bible and the Lamp of Truth
*The Shepherd Symbols of the Scrip and Crook.
*Fish which stands (in the Greek) for Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour.
*The Cross and the Anchor of Hope.


Tags: Community Organization

Address & Contact

Craigmuir Road
High Blantyre
Community Organization

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