Mobile Car Valeting & Carpet Cleaning / Patio & Driveway Cleaning Service in Wyre and surrounding areas for Residential and Commercial Properties.
Every day we bring unwanted dirt, dust and germs and unwanted odours from the outside world into our homes, vehicles and business premises. While hoovering and polishing will take away some of the dirt and grime but that will not be enough to clean deep enough to lift stubborn stains and dust particles trapped deep in carpets / fabrics.
So why not get your vehicle, carpets and fabrics deep cleaned and hygeniacally clean so that your children can play on your carpet.
At "Bling it Back" we offer a unique professional mobile cleaning service straight to your front door or place of work.Covering the Wyre and surrounding areas.
We take pride in our services restoring your car interior / carpets and upholstery back to almost new. Leaving your property clean, rejuvenated, deodorised, odour free and smelling fresh.
We also provide a patio and driveway cleaning service.