Bragar Fitness Group - 07717071500

Group fitness classes in Bragar and Shawbost. Get in touch, get information, or just take a look.

Group exercise classes which are carried out to music, offers a variety of benefits you might miss out on if you choose to work out on your own. It’s social and Fun, it provides a safe and efficient environment to exercise in that requires no prior knowledge or experience. There is also the accountability factor, this makes you keep going so as to not let your friends and team down… All group exercises are suitable for all levels and abilities.
Initial classes on offer are:
STEP – This is a choreographed exercise based around stepping on and off a rectangular box, its great for your heart and lungs and strengthens your lower body. It’s a great alternative to running and cycling especially in the dark winter months. As with all classes the levels can be varied to suit individual requirements, but generally this is a higher impact high Calorie workout. Spaces are limited to 10 due to equipment restrictions. It is not suitable for anyone with back, knee or ankle issues, footwear with a good ankle support is also recommended.
Legs, Bums and Tums – This is a series of exercises carried out together in a routine mainly using your own body weight to help target these areas. Suitable for all levels. Loose comfortable clothing and footwear is all that’s required.
Further classes and alternative times will be considered. Just ask.
All classes are designed to help with stamina and endurance, increase your energy levels, flexibility and mobility, burn calories and tone your muscles, but most importantly to be enjoyable.

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