Brook House Woods

Yurt, Cabins, woodwork courses, yoga and Ales. Champers and hampers at various feet, three tree houses coming soon. Ewok village got nothing on us

Residential wood work courses by in our covered woodland workshop, Glamping in a 14 foot luxury yurt, Painting retreats by Jenny Blake, Yoga and Ale courses coming soon, Hand crafted tree houses coming summer '16.

Come and stay with us deep in the Herefordshire woods, learn in our huge covered woodland workshop, stay in our hobbit cabins, in our living tent structures the Benders or camp in an idyllic plot. Walk across rolling hills to award winning pubs, cook on the open fire or in our pizza oven, shower under the stars or in our round wood bathroom.

Tags: Arts & Entertainment,Hotel,Yoga Studio

Address & Contact

Brook House Farm
Local Business

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