Can Do Coffee Club - 07950193312

Does your business need a BOOST to reach that all important next level?

Are you SERIOUS about making a difference in your business?

The Can Do Coffee Club for SERIOUS business women was set up in in 2013 by Gail Gibson.

A business development group, the focus is on serious business women who want to perform better in business, to take their business to the next level, and achieve great results.

The Can Do Coffee Club offers you a focused & collaborative networking, and business development environment where like-minded women in business meet on a monthly basis to discuss the obstacles and challenges being faced, to upskill and develop confidence and personal branding, and to help motivate, boost and keep you accountable for the next steps and growth in your business.

The programme runs over a 12 month period, with a monthly payment on standing order on the 1st of the month. In between session you will have an accountability buddy (a fellow member) for a weekly business focused chat to keep you on track. In December one business woman wins the Can Do Business Person of the Year award.

Now heading into it's 5th year, Gail is keen to open a 2nd Wiltshire group. To join the mailing list for updates about the launch of new groups please email

Is this THE business development opportunity you've been searching for? Call Gail on 07950193312 for a chat or email

Tags: Business Consultant

Address & Contact

The Tea Chest Cafe
Business Service

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