The Cheltenham Green Party is committed to raising awareness of environmental and social justice issues.
The Cheltenham branch of the Green Party is committed to raising awareness of environmental and social justice issues, and campaigning for a better, fairer and more environmentally friendly Cheltenham.
Over the last few years Cheltenham Greens have been involved in campaigns against the construction of the giant waste incinerator in Gloucestershire and the closure of essential local public services. You may also have seen us handing out leaflets on the Promenade in Cheltenham, or manning a fundraising stall at local car boot sales.
The Cheltenham Green Party regularly field candidates in all the local elections but have yet to get their break through in terms of getting a councillor elected. The success of our Green Party colleagues in Stroud show that a Green voice on local councils is a very real (and welcome!) possibility, and that Green votes are increasing and campaigning will pay off.
Tactical voting is a feature of elections and has worked before. Yet all three of the major parties now have very similar policies. A vote for one of these parties makes very little difference, whereas with one or more Green councillors we could show that there is a different way of doing politics.
We are a friendly bunch, and are always keen to meet others with an interest in environmental and social justice who may be interested in getting involved with the Green Party and coming along to our meetings and social events.
We would particularly welcome hearing from anyone who has a few hours to spare occasionally to assist with delivering Green Party leaflets and newsletters, or anyone who may be willing to stand as a Green Party candidate in local elections. Our aim is always to have a candidate in every ward, but sometimes this is challenging, so if you wish you had a Green Party candidate to vote for but currently don’t, please do consider getting involved yourself!