Chicken Coop Camping - 01690720228

A completely NEW and exciting way to get the best of Snowdonia - Camping at Dolgam with a rustic twist. £10 per person per night (2 sharing) or £12 single occupancy.

**NEW** camping experience in the heart of Snowdonia - CHICKEN COOP CAMPING - protects you from the elements!
Designed and built exclusively for Dolgam campsite, to cater for people who love the outdoors, all year round.
Halfway between Camping and Glamping - Chicken Coop Camping offers a new option to those wanting an adventure on a budget.
To avoid disappointment booking is advised.

Sleeps 2 - Inflated air beds included - Own sleeping bag and torch required. Fully insulated walls.
Internal dimensions 1.5m by 2.3m

1 person - £12 per night
2 people - £10 per person per night

Profiad gwersylla 'newydd' yn Eryri - cysgu mewn cwt ieir! Cysgod perffaith ar gyfer tywydd garw.
Wedi ei ddylunio a'i adeiladu'n gyfan gwbwl ar gyfer maes pebyll Dolgam i gynnig cysgod cyfleus i'r rhai sy'n mwynhau'r awyr agored pob tymor.
Profiad gwahanol - rhywbeth rhwng gwersylla a glampio - mae'r 'cwt ieir' yn cynnig dewis newydd i'r anturus, ond am bris rhesymol.
I sicrhau lle, cysylltwch ymlaen llaw i osgoi siom.

Mae'n cysgu dau, gwelyau aer parod ar gael - dewch a'ch sach gysgu a flachlamp.
Maint mewnol: 1.5m x 2.3m. Wedi ei insiwleiddio yn llwyr.

Cost y cwt
1 person - £12 y noson
2 berson - £10 y pen y noson

Tags: Hotel & Lodging

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Dolgam Campsite
Hotel & Lodging

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