Children of Ramana's Tartan Ties

Raising awareness and support for Ramana’s Garden Children’s Home in Rishikesh, India.

Ramana’s Tartan Ties vision is to support Ramana’s Garden Children’s Home in India. We believe that the best way to relieve poverty is through the provision of education and skills training to people who otherwise would not have access such programs.

Ramana’s Garden is home to over 60 at risk children and a free English medium school for over 160 students from Ramana’s Garden and local underprivileged families. The school provides classes from nursery to 1st Year of Senior School.

You don’t have to be an orphan to live in Ramana’s Garden. You have to be at risk. Every child that comes through Ramana’s gate is here because they would be at risk of either being murdered, forced into prostitution, child labour, begging, starvation or total neglect if they weren’t here. For us a child who has seen their drunken abusive father or mother-in-law pour kerosene over their mother and burn her, is at risk in that house. A child who suffers severe malnutrition because their abusive father drinks all the food money leaving the family to starve is at risk.

Millions of Indian children are in dangerous circumstances due to having been born into the cycle of poverty, ignorance, and homelessness. Ramana’s Garden is working to rescue as many of them as possible and we aim to support them on their mission.

Two million Indian children die before the age of five; 42% of the world’s under-nourished children and 30% of the stunted growth children are Indian. Nowhere, not even in sub-Saharan Africa, are pregnant and lactating mothers as anaemic and prone to die as in India today.

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Tags: Non-Profit Organization,Education,Child Protective Service

Address & Contact

Teviotdale, Touch Road
Non-Profit Organization

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