City & Hackney Time Credits - 0208 980 2691

City and Hackney Time Credits is a brand new Spice project with City & Hackney CCG & St Mungo’s, to improve outcomes for people affected by homelessness.

A one year Time Credits Project based at Mare Street Hostel, commissioned by City and Hackney CCG working in collaboration with St Mungo's homelessness charity.

We're developing Spice Time Credits in a complex needs hostel to encourage co-production with clients and staff, and co-design health and well-being activities and information to improve outcomes for residents.

Residents will sign up as Time Credit members, and earn through a range of activities, such as:

giving peer support
giving feedback on their experiences
representing their community (the hostel)
helping to organise events
co-facilitating sessions
supporting others to spend/get involved.

Time Credits can be spent on a range of activities across London, as well as internal spend activities that we'll be developing with the hostel.

Volunteers who also support the hostel already can earn Time Credits for their contribution too.

Find out more about other spice projects at

Tags: Non-Profit Organization

Address & Contact

Spice Innovations Ltd, 15 Old Ford Road
Bethnal Green
0208 980 2691
Non-Profit Organization

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