Commando Fit - Brighouse - 07724 465770

Commando Fit is a functional fitness military inspired training programme for men and women looking to either lose weight, get fitter or healthier.

Commando Fit is a fitness training programme for men and women. Based on styles used both in the Armed Forces (but without the shouting for shouting's sake) and within Professional Sport and is therefore highly effective for a whole range of purposes. Whether you want to lose weight, get healthier or get fitter for sport, obstacle events or even to chase your children around the park then this is for you.

The training sessions last for a whole hour around some of Yorkshires Parks and are designed to burn the maximum amount of calories within that time but at a level you can sustain throughout. The sessions are graded according to your fitness levels and you work individually, in partners or as a group that matches your health and fitness status. Whether you are returning to exercise or are already quite fit then you will still get maximum benefit from the sessions. This is in part down to the highly motivational instructors who come from various backgrounds (Military, Fire-fighting, Professional Sport) and understand the holistic approach to fitness and also partly down to the program and training where you will be encouraged to push yourself that little bit more than you ever would down the gym.

Tags: Fitness Boot Camp,Recreation & Fitness Venue

Address & Contact

Wellholme Park, Bradford Road
07724 465770

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