Cosby Big Love - 07752043735

Cosby Big Love - music in the meadow , Live music in a field , real ale bar , food camping
Head line tribute acts & some amazing musicians simple

Situated on the Cosby - Broughton road , coming from cosby 500 yard past
shuttleworth road In previous years we've shook the tins & buckets for Help4heroes and Soldiers of the streets (homeless veterans)
This year we’re shaking the collection buckets for a local sports club, that was dear to Paul and ward 29 of the General Hospital
Paul used to man the gate for our little soiree; I'm guessing from the picture one of us has made a rude childish remark to the photographer?
The staff of Ward 29 were fantastic, so we thought any money raised could go towards their Christmas Party, they certainly deserve it!
These groups of outstanding people, supported Paul as he walked tall through the valley of the shadow of death, and continue to be there supporting his family today.
I would also like to mention another group of people that have been outstanding through this tough time, Paul’s employers. From all associated with Paul, we thank you all sincerely.

Address & Contact

Micks Field

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