Coventry University Changing Lives Programme - +44 (0)24 7688 7688

The programme takes Coventry University students on cross-cultural exchange trip abroad with volunteering activities at its core

This programme provides students with an opportunity to bridge the divide and “gaps” in understanding and awareness that exists between Eastern and Western cultures, faiths and customs. It brings our youth together, face-to-face, empowering them to make real human connections, to challenge their perceptions and attitudes and find common ground through volunteering activities. Funding comes largely come from former Coventry students (alumni) who wish to give back to the University and provide current students with a unique experience abroad, that is not purely academic but incorporates social responsibility and personal transformation. The programme not only gives the students something to add to their CV, but it is creating Coventry students who have a competitive edge because they will have greater awareness and understanding of what it means to live in and be part of the global community and the skills needed to navigate the ethical, social and environmental issues of our day.

There are three tailor-made and unique programmes focusing on community development, youth development and peace building. The programmes are packed full of workshops, volunteering activities, interactive tours and facilitated discussion groups covering historical, political, social and environmental perspectives. Moreover our programmes engage with local communities and individuals, creating transforming and meaningful connection

Tags: Community Organization,Environmental Service,Education

Address & Contact

Portal House, 163 Union Street
+44 (0)24 7688 7688
Community Organization

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