Dangerous Dads Okehampton - 07841842095

Dangerous Dads Okehampton provides monthly activity sessions for dads/male carers and their children (boys and girls) to spend time together outdoors!

Dangerous Dads Okehampton is the newest group in the Dangerous Dads Network (DDs). You can find out more about DDs at http://dangerousdads.blogspot.co.uk/.

We will be running monthly activities in and around Okehampton, starting in September. These are open to all dads/male carers and their children (both boys and girls).

We know it can sometimes be hard to think of ways to keep your children entertained, so we will be running different activities each session which we hope will give you a great day out and lots of ideas of things to do with your kids! It will also give you an opportunity to spend time with other dads, without the mums being around!

We also know that money can be tight when you're bringing up a family, so we will not set a fixed fee, but just ask you to donate what you can afford.

We hope to see you at a session soon!!
Vickie & Sophie

Tags: Recreation & Fitness

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