Dee Light Teardrop Caravans NI - 07919046472

Llightweight 2 berth caravan which provides accommodation for 2 people


See below a couple of photos of my teardrop caravan from which you can see that it can be towed behind even a small car or a motorhome. As it is a lightweight 2 berth caravan – there is no need for a 4 wheel drive and the caravan can be moved easily by hand so no need to reverse into spaces – just wheel it in! This provides accommodation for 2 people and is ideal for transporting to sporting events/hobbies/holidays and can also be used for transporting light goods. Graphics can be a useful addition to advertise your business everywhere you travel.

I am a coachbuilder by trade and have previously built motorhomes but decided to build a tear drop having watched the apprentice where the apprentices had to pitch these to the public and also Ade in Britain where I first saw this type of caravan/trailer. I Have operated my small business for many years from my home/workshop and my intent is to make these caravans to order to customers specifications .

The model shown in the photographs incorporates a 12 volt Freeview TV/DVD – LED lighting throughout – a kitchen area at the rear and can be obtained in several different colours. Upholstered seating coverts to a double bed measuring 6ft x 4ft approximately.

Overall dimensions – 10 ft in length 5 ft wide 5ft in height

Weight - 340kgs (with kitchen + 2 doors)

Prices start from £2950. Model shown priced at £4750.

Contact – Harry Wilson – 07919046472

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