Deepings Business Club - <>

Deepings Business Club

The club aims to provide support and give a coherent voice to the many and diverse businesses of the local area, deliver projects for the benefit of the local and business community and encourage people to use local resources.

Membership is £40. Benefits include: meeting other local businesses, sharing experiences and networking, learning what's happening/available locally, sharing resources, problem solving, access to support/specialist training, influencing the business club activities, building a local cohesive businesses voice to help lobby on local issues/needs.

Recent local forums, run by the club and attended by many local businesses and local Councillors have highlighted three key projects to help build business growth across the area: a support local campaign; reviewing and supporting a local market; building a new business club/community hub website. All in concept stage and their success will be determined by the level of support and involvement generated locally.

Tags: Region,Non-Profit Organization

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