East Cliff Park Teignmouth - 01626215751

A diverse and historically significant local green space.
Eastcliff Park sits up the cliffs from Teignmouth seafront

We are currently meeting every Tues am up in The Dell (weather permitting) to do some gardening. Come and see us! Or bring some garden tools and join in.
Long description
A community group based in Teignmouth.
1. To raise the Park's profile in the community
2. To increase awareness of its history and natural beauty
3. To achieve a wider cross section of visitors and users
4. To bring people together on projects to restore and enhance the park
5. To protect the park and develop its use in ways acceptable to its users

Contact Tacy on 07952496401 or email eastcliffpark@btinternet.com

Just a short walk up from the edge of the promenade, Eastcliff Park is one of Teignmouth’s hidden gems. Its many different areas offer something for everyone!
There are sloping meadows packed with wildlife, plenty of space to walk the dog or simply enjoy the views down to the sea and
estuary. Eastcliff Park also offers formal lawns in front of the Rowdens house, an ancient Walled Garden which is under
restoration and a sub-tropical valley garden known as The Dell.
A diverse and historically significant local green space.
Eastcliff Park is a large open space sitting on top of the cliffs above the sea and the railway line. It consists of three distinct parts, The Rowdens, a lawn area with large Rhododendrons, the Dell, a sub-tropical garden with three ponds, and Mules Park, open grassland. The Park offers all its users a relaxing recreational environment.

Tags: Recreation & Fitness,Public Services & Government

Address & Contact

mules Park
Public Services & Government

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