Farcroft Kennels and Cattery - 01621 741937

Farcroft Kennels and Cattery is licensed by Maldon Council and has 28 kennels & 17 cat pens. We also have a Hydrotherapy pool and a Grooming Parlour

Open for check in and check out Monday to Sunday
09.00am - 11.00am and 15.00pm - 17.00pm
Closed for check in and check out ONLY on bank holidays boarding as normal

Kennel and Cattery viewings are welcome any time between 9-11am and 3-4pm.

Check out our new web site www.farcroftkennels.com where you will find out information on prices and terms and conditions.

There are five members of staff at farcroft all year round, with extra staff during the summer holidays and an apprentice
Geoff Carr and Karen Carr currently own Farcroft
Karen left her nursing career to follow her dream of working with animals and has recently just finished her pet first aid course.
Geoff works around Farcroft when not at his day job, normally fixing things or booking pets in and out.
Sarah Wilson has also just completed her pet first aid course and has been at Farcroft for over 7 years. She has recently been promoted to Kennel Manager, over seeing the care of the dogs and cats and other staff members.
Amy started at Farcroft March 2014 and works mainly part time Monday to Friday
Gemma is Farcrofts Apprentice and works full time while training towards her Animal Care Diploma level 2.
Aime works Saturdays and extra days during the school holidays
Leanne works Sundays and extra days during the school holidays.
Jemma has worked at Farcroft for over 2 years before leaving in 2013 to have her baby she has now come back to Saturdays.
James is Geoff & Karen son and works weekends as well as school holidays as a dog walker.

Address & Contact

Burnham Road
01621 741937
Pet services

Map & Directions

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