Foyers.Photography - 07884 366342

Bob Foyers - Wedding Photographer, Commercial Photographer, Portrait Photographer

My love of photography began when I was 14 and my school added a darkroom to its art department. I was very privileged to be allowed to use it with some basic “how to” instruction and minimal supervision, which sparked my creative freedom. Inspired by my new found interest, my wonderful and generous parents invested in me and bought me my first proper camera and built me a darkroom at home. I spent most of my days either taking photos or processing the results in my darkroom.

Canon A1
This is my first camera, my trusty Canon A1, a bit battered and bruised but still works!
I started my working life as a chef and then furthered this career in the Royal Navy, traveling much of the world. When I left the Armed Forces, I continued my cheffing career and kept my passion for photography as a hobby. But over time, my love of photography, and my growing portfolio of subjects & clients took over and became my true profession.

I live with my wonderful wife, Karen, chef extraordinaire who runs her own bistro. My son, who is now all grown up, lives in Norfolk. I am lucky to live in a beautiful part of Suffolk. Saxmundham is a fantastic base for me, so close to the very best of the Heritage Coast as well as the more rural remote and hidden parts of this beautiful county.

Whilst I enjoy most forms of photography, my passion is photographing people and capturing images that are packed with personality and genuine, candid human emotion. Photographing my own son from his birth through his growing years gave me the perfect subject for honing my skills in what was then the fledgling world of digital photography.

The technology employed in digital photography allows me to combine my interests in computing and visual editing to produce the perfect image – win win for the creative “nerd” in me!

I absolutely love what I do and feel privileged that my work is my passion. My photographic subjects tell me that this is reflected in my style of working, and in the resulting images.

Please have a look at my portfolios, and for my very latest work and a look behind the scenes, check out my regularly updated blog. I really hope that you like what you see. Don’t hesitate to get in touch for an informal free consultation. I’d love to hear about your plans, and to see whether I can help capture the style of images that you are seeking as a lasting memory of your special occasion.

I can be contacted on 07884 366342, by e-mail at or via the ‘Contact me’ tab found above.

Thank you again for taking the time to visit.

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