We are a group of volunteers organising events at school to provide fun, memorable experiences for the children and parents, and raising funds for school.
Contributions to this page are subject to the following rules:
• No images of children should be posted by non-admin users. (Images of children will only be used with permission from parents via the school).
• All new posts need to be approved by an admin user before being available publicly.
• Posts must be related to school community activities, so no sales posts or advertising.
• This page is not a method to contact school staff. If you have any concerns to discuss with school, please contact the school directly in person or by phone.
• We have a very supportive community at Bradshaw Hall, but in case it needs saying, a word of caution… This Facebook page takes parent volunteers to administer to keep it a safe, positive place to be. There are potential risks involved in having a Facebook page, but school supports the use of Facebook by the school community to as long as it’s kept as a respectful place.
• Rudeness at any level will not be tolerated, and anyone not meeting the standards of politeness and respect expected when interacting with the school community will be removed from the group. ‘Nuff said.
Tags: Elementary School