Frontline Training Solutions - +44 1376 570982

International meetings and communications skills training for those involved in international and multilateral teams and decision-making

Close associations between countries, particularly in the public sector, has been at the heart of our passion to provide communication structures that motivate and support consensus building and joint decision making in international teams and at multilateral meetings. Achieving financial cooperation and stability has been a major focus in recent years in Europe and beyond and over the last fifteen years Frontline Training Solutions has been at the heart of communication skills training in the public financial sector.

Using our dedicated team of highly experieced trainers we have worked with virtually every central bank and financial supervisor in Europe, in addition to NATO and the United Nations' ILO. We have been inspired by the positive impact our training has had on the thousands of people we have trained across Europe and their desire to maintain contact with us and each other over the years. We pride ourselves on giving an unforgettable experience in our workshops, conferences and seminars that motivates positive changes in behaviour and communication in often stressful and competitive environments.

Our success with our delegates is due partly to the excellent material, exercises and processes we have developed but also through our trainers. They inspire trust and the confidence to go beyond what you thought possible, and to embrace with laughter any failures in the training room and use them as a springboard to success.

Frontline Training Solutions was established at the end of the nineties by John Holmes and became a private limited company in 2008. After two years of extensive research and interviews with our partners at the4 Dutch Central Bank we launched our unique training programme, International Meeting Skills, which was then shared by the DNB with the central banking community in Europe. Using our unique training processes employing small intimate groups to provide individual practise and heaps of feedback, and our high impact trainers, many of whom were professional actors, we transformed how training was conducted in Europe and led a new experiential and drama-based approach that has been copied since by several other companies. We were the original and, believed by our clients to be, the best.

Our training schemes, born in the financial communities of Europe, provide an excellent basis for bespoke training for multinational companies in any sector where they need to work closely with others and reach joint decisions.

Tags: Business Consultant

Address & Contact

Greys Paddock
+44 1376 570982
Consulting Agency

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