
Giveall2Charity owns, the commission-free online fundraising and donations platform with integrated cash management and banking facilities. Donor's money gets through and Charities save costs and generate more revenue.

A Charity that exists to help all Charities and their supporters.

Giveall is 100% owned by the UK-registered Charity Giveall2Charity (No. 1132982).

Giveall is commission-free and serves and supports all charities, schools, churches, CASCs, universities, hospitals and other not-for-profit organisations and NGOs in the UK, their supporters, fundraisers, donors and sponsors worldwide.

Giveall delivers services in 5 main areas:

An online fundraising and giving platform where donors give to their favourite good causes online and charities and fundraisers generate donations and sponsorship for theirs.
Payroll Giving. The most tax-effective way to support charity, HMRC-approved Giveall Payroll Giving is the only Payroll Agency that doesn't charge commission or transaction fees and its fully automated systems make administration minimal.
A proprietary banking platform and consolidated cash management solution where all non-profits can transfer their funds at no cost and where smaller organisations enjoy the higher rates of interest that were previously the domain of larger charities.
Giveall Wealth Management Services provides medium to long term cash investment facilities which returns 100% of all commission on placement to the charities.
Other essential services and solutions such as online Continuing Professional Development courses and HR, financial reporting and security software.

Tags: Non-Profit Organization,Charity Organization

Address & Contact

Bank House 81 St Judes Rd
Englefield Green
Non-Profit Organization

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