Glass Inferno - 07958038092

Glass Inferno

Fused Glassware

I have been working with glass for nearly twenty years, starting with stained glass windows, then moving onto Tiffany lamps.
I have now progressed to fusing glass which I find most rewarding, both artistically and I hope financially. My glass work spans a wide range, from the intricacy of glass small glass paintings to large bowls. I love breaking kiln firing rules; sometimes you turn out disasters but on occasion the outcome can be wonderfully original and creative.
Last year I was visiting friends in Southwold, Suffolk. Whilst walking along the shore line I came to a line of beach huts gleaming in the sunlight. Their bright colours shone and glistened in the noonday sun. So, when I got home I tried to bring out those colours, using the vibrant coloured fused glass and creating my glass paintings that catches those bright colours of the beech huts along the shore line.
I love using vibrant hues that sometimes work together and sometimes break all the rules of colour theory. I hope you like my glass and can understand the excitement that I feel when I lift a piece from the kiln and let the sunlight shine through, bringing it to life.
Allow me to bring a little bit of that vibrancy and colour into your life! Richard Carder

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Ivy House
North Molton
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