Good King Hal - 07709 216281

Good King Hal is the United Kingdom's top professional Henry VIII impersonator and look-a-like. With his mixture of booming voice, imposing figure and wicked humour it's not surprising that he is in such high demand throughout the country.

Way back in the mists of time (2004) there was Mike Farley, a mild mannered failed actor and comedian, working on the breadline for a company whose name rhymed with Rebenhams. One cold winter evening, whilst driving back to his compact and bijou residence in rural Somerset, Mike noticed a glow upon the horizon. He stopped his car and got out, and then stood gazing up in humbled wonderment at the infinitesimal whirl of the maelstrom of the universe above him. Infinity gawped back at him. The glow on the horizon was suddenly getting brighter. What was it? Was it the regular evening glow on Sarah Kennedy's conk as she deftly prepared herself for her then early morning Radio 2 show by having a few heart-starters at the "Dog and Hammer"? No? Or perchance it was the gentle luminescence from Boris Johnson's cheeks as he put another of his young researchers through her paces? No! From across the sky there streaked something amazing. A glowing ball of fire, hammering through the lower atmosphere of planet Earth and on a collision course with Mike Farley, the previously mentioned mild mannered etc etc. It struck Mike full on, knocking him to the ground. What was this astral projectile that had laid our hero low? Little did Mike know, but he had been struck by a giant, half-timbered, atomic, nuclear, pan dimensional, interstellar cod piece from the planet Tudor. How long was he unconscious? Who can tell. But when he awoke, he was no longer Mike Farley, mild mannered etc etc. Gone was his job in IT. Gone was his single marriage and relatively healthy life style. He suddenly had a penchant for multiple wives, reformation of large bits of archaic religious government, chopping heads off, knocking down Abbeys, wearing tights and crapping out of windows. No longer was he just Mike Farley mild etc etc. He was now........... GOOD KING HAL!!! Now read on.........

Tags: Local Service,Education,Arts & Entertainment

Address & Contact

Hermitage Street
07709 216281
Arts & Entertainment

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