Grace Community Church Lanarkshire

We are a community of Christians whose values, attitudes and beliefs are based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as revealed in the Bible.

Our community is based on the belief that we can share a better life together if we know and experience being loved and cared for by our redeeming creator God. We are a Christian community and that means that our values, attitudes and beliefs are defined and directed by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as revealed in the bible.

We are a baptist community in the tradition of the anabaptists.

Here are a few of our beliefs:

We have consciously chosen to commit all of our life and will to the care and control of Jesus of Nazareth.
We are committed to peace and enemy-loving as an integral part of our understanding of the story of Jesus.
We are concerned about discipleship and “doing the truth” not just talking about it.
We are committed to religious liberty and tolerance.
We value diversity.
We are committed to community and economic sharing.
We witness to the potential of counter-cultural alternatives to problem solving described by Jesus in the gospels and in particular The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5,6,7).

Most of us would admit to having questions about life, how we got here, why do things seem to always go wrong, how can I put things right and what kind of future can we build for our families and community? These questions form the chapter headings for our shared story together. As disciples of Jesus we look to the story of Jesus contained in the bible to answer these questions and through these answers discover ourselves and who God created us to be. You might say we are Jesus centred and bible based in our approach to understanding our human needs and how best to meet our needs.

Questions, stories and life practices based on the story of Jesus revealed in the bible, in order to meet our needs in mutually valuing ways; that about sums up what we are about.

I hope you come along and get involved in some way. Pop in for a tea, coffee or some lunch. If you would like to know about any of the community services that are provided please do not hesitate to contact us or come into one of the community centres and ask one of the volunteers for help. They will be happy to help you. All our community centre support services are free at the point use. So don't let money get in the way!

Grace and peace to you

Pastor Reg Bartlett

The Coffee Pot: 10 King Street Stonehouse
Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm
Sat: (Watch for special events)

Sunday: 11am Family Service and Communion (The Fountain Lesmahagow)
4pm Cafe Church in the Open Space Community Centre,
10 King Street Stonehouse
7pm Bible Study, in the Open Space Community Centre,
10 King Street Stonehouse

Monday: 2pm Celebrate Recovery Group, in the Open Space Community
Centre, 10 King Street, Stonehouse

Tuesday: 7pm Celebrate Recovery Group, in the Fountain, Lesmahagow

Wednesday: 6pm Music Lessons (Contact us for details)
7pm Street Base (Contact us for details)

Thursday: Fellowship night and Communion, Open Space Community
Centre, 10 King Street, Stonehouse

Friday: 7pm Celebrate Recovery Group, in the Open Space Community
Centre, 10 King Street, Stonehouse

Monday to Saturday at 8:30am Morning Prayer in the Open Space Community Centre, 10 King Street Stonehouse

Address & Contact

The Fountain
Church/religious organization

Map & Directions

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