Great Yarmouth Green Party - 07840241979

The Great Yarmouth Green Party actively campaigns throughout the year for social and environmental justice, fighting for a more equal & democratic society.

The Green Party has had a presence in Great Yarmouth for over 10 years; however only very recently has this intensified, with numbers of local members, supporters and activists increasing.

As a result the Great Yarmouth Green Party was officially established in September 2013 with an aim to actively campaign and represent residents across the whole of Great Yarmouth all year round; something which we already have a strong reputation for in many parts of the borough, despite our short history as a local party.

The Green Party promotes the policies of ecological sustainability, a fairer more stable economy, a more equal society, a higher standard of democracy, the accountability of our politicians to the communities they serve and a greater level of social justice.

The Great Yarmouth Green Party echoes these principles and we are also particularly passionate about local businesses, the developing renewables industry, green spaces and the protection of provisions that help and facilitate the employability and education of young people; all issues that desperately need a voice in Great Yarmouth and are currently poorly represented.

Our Parliamentary candidate for Great Yarmouth in the upcoming 2015 General Election is local activist, student, care worker and Caister-on-Sea Parish Councillor Harry Webb - You can 'like' his facebook page here:

If you would like to know more about the Great Yarmouth Green Party or would like to get involved please do contact us via the details to the right or by messaging this page.

Twitter: @GYGreenParty -

Promoted by Joe Ridley on behalf of the Great Yarmouth Green Party, c/o Great Yarmouth Green Party,148 King Street,Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2PA.

Address & Contact

148 King Street
Great Yarmouth
Political party

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