Holmsted Manor - +44(0)1444440229

Holmsted Manor, part of Youth With A Mission England, is a Christian community in West Sussex, UK specialising in equipping young people.

Holmsted Manor, part of Youth With A Mission England, is a Christian community in West Sussex, UK specialising in equipping young people.

Our Purpose:

To raise up and mobilise the next generation of missionaries to fulfil the Great Commission...

Since Holmsted Manor’s establishment in 1975 as YWAM England’s first YWAM base (and third in the world), it has played a significant role in training, pioneering and facilitating thousands of people into countless places and nations around the world!

Some of the goals for Holmsted are to:

* Know God and make Him known.

* strengthen and enlarge the training programs that are currently running

* help develop, equip and train apostolic pioneering leaders for missions through very practical teaching and field based experiences.

* to facilitate specialized seminars, workshops and conferences.

* send pioneering outreaches into nations that need to be reached with the gospel through prayer, evangelism, discipleship, practical projects and church planting.

* To build community and reach out to those in our local area.

We pray that as you read about the many amazing people that are serving God’s kingdom and the many ministries that are reaching out from Holmsted Manor that you will be inspired and pray about how you can be a part of what God in doing in the nations!

- YWAM Holmsted Manor

Registered Office of Youth With A Mission Limited: Highfield Oval, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 4BX, United Kingdom. Registered Charity No. 264078. Company Registration No. 1049516 in England and Wales. Member of the Evangelical Alliance and Global Connections.

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Holmsted Manor
Church/religious organization

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