Independent Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant in Abertridwr, Caerphilly
Hi, I'm Jess, and I am here to help you achieve your dreams the way I have achieved mine.
You may have seen me in 'The Sun', 'The Daily Mail online', 'Best' Magazine or 'Pick me up' Magazine.
In 2013 I was devastated when my little girl told me she wanted a big tummy like mine. I already knew I was overweight, and this was the shock I needed to get started. Cambridge Weight Plan has helped me go from a Size 24 to a Size 10/12. I am able to do so much more with my children, and I am a much happier woman now!
I know that there are many different reasons for losing weight, an upcoming wedding, an event, for your children, or just to fit in those clothes you've been hiding for a while.
Cambridge Weight Plan isn't just about a complete meal replacement plan, there are 6 different plans available for many lifestyles. Come and see me to discuss which plan is best suited for you.
I offer one to one support, a starter pack, weekly weigh ins, regular contact and guidance. Also I will help you with your own 'Before' and 'After' photos for you to compare along your journey.
I am based in Abertridwr, Caerphilly
Call or email me today to get your journey started!