Joyful Parents. Joyful Children. Brighter Futures
Supporting parents to raise children with joy, love, harmony and truth
Helping parents raise happier, confident and secure children. Supporting, appreciating and engaging families. Putting the joy back into raising children by encouraging new awareness. Showing parents different ways to question stressful beliefs. Helping parents gain confidence in their own inner journey.
Joyful Parents offers parenting support via workshops, workbooks, talks and teleseminars. Using tools such as The Work of Byron Katie, Appreciative Inquiry, Art Therapy, Playful Parenting, Simplicity Parenting combined with lot of fun and laughter parents get to connect to their kids in lighter and brighter ways. Children lead the way when it comes to fun and games, parents can learn from them and let go of the stress to have more joy in this amazing job of raising children.
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