Karen Gunn craniosacral therapy - 01497 821894

craniosacral therapy for wellness & health

Craniosacral therapy can benefit almost everyone. Most of us at times do things that put our bodies under stress & tension, CST can help the body restore balance promoting healing & feelings of wellness helping to keep sickness, injury & disease at bay.

I don't think of cst as 'alternative' but 'complementary' to conventional medicine. It can be really helpful to people recovering from an operation, physical injury, accidents, migraines, gut disorders, depression, stress, or helping to manage a long-term chronic problem.

Quite often a more subtle, gentle approach can be more effective in helping the body & mind than the many of the manipulation based therapies. Craniosacral therapists listen to bodies as well as words. A powerful combination!

I am constantly surprised by its effectiveness even though I still don't fully understand how it works! It's not a miracle cure, but aims to help the body's own healing mechanism. It encourages each person to play an active role in their health & wellness - to really listen to what their bodies are telling them.

For many people a craniosacral session may well be the first time they have truly stopped & listened to their bodies - really paid attention to their whole self.

Address & Contact

Hay-on-Wye, Brecon & Llandrindod Wells
01497 821894

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