Kumon Wood Green & Tottenham Study Centres - 020 8362 0960

The Wood Green and Tottenham Study Centres offer individualised maths and English study programmes for children of all ages and abilities.

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Welcome to the Kumon Wood Green and Tottenham maths and English Study Centres. The Wood Green Centre opened in 2000 and the Tottenham Centre opened in 2003. Kumon has contributed positively to the lives of thousands of children and is now a thriving part of the local and wider community.

The Wood Green and Totteham Centres offer individualised maths and English study programmes which help children of all ages and abilities to realise their potential. Students attend once or twice a week on a drop-in basis within the session times, and complete work based on their own individual development plan. Students, on average, will spend 30 minutes per subject in class.

The Kumon programmes complement the National Curriculum and our objective is to achieve the full potential of each child and for them to work beyond their school level. This will not only improve their confidence and concentration but will help them to become independent learners.

The majority of our students attend schools within the area and live in the local community. We offer a Free Assessment to all children before they enrol. This will determine where on the programmes they would begin and displays how the programmes are individualised to the child’s needs from the outset.

Progress does not depend on age and if younger students have the ability they can move swiftly through the work and be ahead of their school level. Equally, less confident children who are struggling at school can progress at a pace to suit them.

Each piece of work is timed, whether done at home or at the centre. Timing of work is essential for us to assess the child's concentration and their mental ability. Once marked, any errors are corrected by the student independently where possible. This encourages greater confidence and boosts self-esteem as well as addressing any misunderstanding or careless errors. This will ensure that the student will not encounter any problems with their homework.

Students receive feedback during class for personal achievements and good attitude and are also able to take responsibility for their own learning by being able to discuss their own developments and goals where appropriate.

When a student completes a level and is ready to take the end of level achievement test, a certificate is awarded together with a report for parents on the results achieved and the plan and content of the forthcoming level. This information is continually discussed with the students to encourage motivation and progression throughout the programmes. The centre recognises achievements of all students and displays the results in the monthly newsletters.

Certificates are awarded twice a year to students working at a higher level than their peers and those who have made significant progress in their study skills. Award ceremonies usually take place once a year for the presentation of certificates - Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards - as a way of recognising each student’s achievements and to encourage motivation throughout the programme to completion.

Opening Times:

Tuesday 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Saturday 9.00am to 12.30pm

Monday 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Wednesday 3.30pm – 6.00pm

Address & Contact

Wood Green Central Library, High Road
Wood Green
020 8362 0960
http://www.kumon.co.uk/Wood-Green http://www.kumon.co.uk/Tottenham

Map & Directions

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