Little britain cafe a49". - 07772130949

little britian cafe is situated on the a49 between church streton and craven armwe have buchers sausage and bacon and free range eggs from wentnor farm.

little britian is the most unushaual cafe in britain, known all over the world as far as newzeland, we have been in the ever green magazine and will also be on itv in january.
the most important thing you need to know is why we run the cafe and this reason is because we owne a wild life park in wentnor for unwanted aniamls and wildlife. most of the funds go towards looking after these amazing creatures. such as badger sheep, horses, dogs, ducks, gees, swans, canda geese, red kites that i feed most afternoons, a varity of wild birds.
little britain cafe food is free ranged eggs from wentnor, butchers sausage and bacon, and mr bunn the bakers freshly baked but brad and cakes. all wellcome

Tags: Coffee Shop,Grocery Store,Mattress Wholesaler

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Church Stretton
Coffee Shop

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