Lochmaben Mens Shed - 0751 102 4394

A place for skill sharing and informal learning, of individual pursuits and community projects, of purpose, achievement and social interaction. A place of leisure where men come together to work, to relax and to share.

The Mens' Shed movement began in Australia in the late 90s where, as here, there are large numbers of disengaged men not joining in community activities and frequently living alone (c.500,000 men over 50 live alone in the UK).
Whilst there are many different reasons for this they include that men have an expectation of being self-reliant and of meeting their own needs. It is also recognised that becoming workless can present particular challenges for men including loss of role, status, workmates, income etc which many find it hard to adapt to.
Finding a way of working, alongside others and with a purpose in view but without imposed demands can be exactly what some men need.

There is a nominal charge of £1 per session to help contribute towards operating costs.

Tags: Community Organization,Other,Public Services & Government

Address & Contact

8 Princes Street
0751 102 4394
Public Services & Government

Map & Directions

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