***** New Year, new you! *****
Like most people, I spent my life struggling to get a grip on my weight. Many of the ‘DIY’ diets my friends tried only worked short term for me, and without any personal support it was never long until the weight crept back on.
All that changed when I found Cambridge. It fitted around my lifestyle and taught me how to make sensible food choices, prepare food in a healthier way and re-learn portion sizes.
I’ve been at my target weight for 3 years now, and share my passion for this programme with my clients. I’ve been there, but I know Cambridge works & I will work alongside you to uncover the new you.
I offer one-to-one, friendly and flexible consultations at my home in Crowthorne, to provide support, encouragement and top tips to help you on your weight loss journey. Appointments are available between 9am and 7pm Monday-Wednesday & Friday, and between 9am & 12noon on Saturdays.
So what are you waiting for? To find out more or book an appointment drop me a text, email or just call for a chat.
The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see the results.
Summer bodies are made in the winter!