Millbrook Parish Council - Cornwall - 01752 823128

Millbrook Parish Council

Millbrook Parish Council is responsible for several aspects of the village. These include the Tanyard, the Play Park, Tennis Courts, benches around the lake, and the graveyard. It is also responsible for amenities such as the bus shelter and is Custodian Trustee of the Village Hall. Other aspects of the Council's work cover street lighting and planning applications.

This page is here to help keep you informed of what’s happening in Millbrook.

Millbrook Parish Council hope that by providing this forum it will allow and encourage local residents to become involved and air their views on all aspects of parish council activities and any other matters relevant to village life.

To help spread the word we need interaction from residents. Could you please “like” both the page itself and any posts that you read. To reach even more people it would be great if you could “share” posts on your timeline.

Whilst differing opinions are expected and welcome, the Parish Council will not tolerate abusive language or malicious comments here. Any such content will be moderated and persistent offenders will be excluded from further posts.

The views & opinions expressed on this site are personal and do not represent Millbrook Parish Council’s adopted policies or procedures.

Millbrook Parish Council Office is officially open Wednesday & Thursday mornings 9.00am - 1.00pm.

Address & Contact

Millbrook Village Hall, The Parade
01752 823128

Map & Directions

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