Advaita, Non Duality Meditation, Self Inquiry, Satsang, Contemplation Group
This group arose as a response to a questioning about truth, meditation, spirituality. Through the exploration of our direct conscious experience through meditation and broad range of spiritual teachings available, it is possible for the reality to be revealed that who we are in essence is the Space of Awareness, which relies on nothing for its peaceful allowing nature.
Realisation of this truth is not for a privileged elite with a particular belief framework; it only requires ceasing to believe in the assumptions of mind regarding who we think we are by appealing to direct conscious experience through inquiry and resting in Awareness.
As we become anchored in the Space of Awareness in which all our experiences take place, our conscious experience becomes more balanced, which has transformative effect in our relationships and life circumstances. This is not a truth to be believed in but an evidence based practice arising from the experience of many who have engage sincerely with spiritual truth. This is one of the elements that distinguishes spirituality from religion.
Essentially the pursuit of spirituality is the search for happiness. It is this pursuit that can also conceal the happiness that is already present. The search can be viewed as the consciousness wanting to reveal the peace and happiness that it knows itself to be.