Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau is a voluntary, confidential, independent and free community service dedicated to helping local people
Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau is a voluntary, confidential, independent mapand free community service dedicated to helping local people to find solutions to problems.
The bureau offers information and advice on a wide range of subjects including:
◾housing problems
◾how to deal with debt
◾employment problems
◾social security benefits claims and appeals
◾shopping rights
◾and much more…
No matter what the problem, if you’re not sure how to proceed – then contact the bureau.
Motherwell Opening Hours
Monday, Thursday & Friday 10 am – 1 pm closed for lunch 1.30 pm - 4 pm
Tuesday 10 am – 1 pm, closed for lunch 1.30 pm -7 pm (including - monthly legal rota)
Wednesday 10 am – 1 pm
Saturday 10 am – 12 noon
Wishaw Opening Hours; -
Monday - Friday 9.30 am to 1.00 pm (drop in only_
Monday - Friday 2 pm to 4 pm (appointments only)
Shotts Healthy Living Centre
Tuesday and Thursday 9.30 to 1.00pm