My Nutritional Pal - 07885751098

My Nutritional Pal is a Naturopathic Nutritionist who advocates a holistic approach to treating people suffering from a wide range of symptoms. Treating the person as a whole through Allergy Intolerance Testing & one to one/online consultations.

'The Food Intolerance and Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist….treating the person as a whole rather than the symptoms'

Have you trouble loosing weight? Do you get regular headaches and back problems? Do you find yourself getting irritable or feeling low often? Does your skin often breakout? Are you finding it difficult to get pregnant?

If so, then My Nutritional Pal is here to help you and your family on the road to optimal health. Like cars our bodies need fuel in order to function but you wouldn’t put petrol in a diesel car so why put something in our bodies that disagrees with it. I advocate an holistic approach to Nutrition and believe that every one’s bodies are different so we need to look at the person as a whole and tailor a plan that suits their lifestyle. Holistic Nutritional Therapy treats everyone as an individual, seeking out and removing the cause of the disease rather than simply suppressing the symptoms using medication. None of us should be feeling tired, irritable, low etc. Any ailment you have no matter how small or major I can help address with just a few diet and lifestyle changes, you might even have an intolerance to a particular food without even knowing it and I can help identify the problem using my Di Etx Allergy Test and consultation.

I graduated from the College of Naturopathic Nutrition in 2009 with a diploma in Holistic Nutritional Practice and Diploma in Allergy Intolerance Therapy. I am currently studying a Diploma in Child Nutrition what with raising 3 young kids under four and am a member of the Federation of Nutritional Therapy.

Up until 2004 I led a very unhealthy lifestyle, eating junk food, socialising, working too hard and subsequently ended up with a very stressed out unhealthy body that culminated in me having a severe wheat and dairy allergy. I had a food allergy test and there began my journey to optimal health and I have never looked back. Surprisingly, apart from the physical symptoms disappearing my mental health (erratic moods) and energy levels improved which I did not think were related.

Mission Statement:

To empower people to take responsibility for their own health by tailoring a programme that suits the individual’s needs and what is achievable for them in order to live a happy, balanced and healthy life.

What I offer is a Di Etx Food Intolerance Test +Holistic Nutritional Consultation

Simple, painless food intolerance test that pin points potentially harmful foods that could be causing those symptoms and imbalances using a ball point pen touching the tip of your finger on an acupuncture point. It tests over 120 common food and drink using a bio electronic analyser, which measures the body's resistance to these substances. If a substance is causing an imbalance then it will affect the body's resistance. I offer guidance as well as a vitamin and mineral check, which is also provided alongside basic nutritional advice.

Tags: Nutritionist,Allergist

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