New Mills School & Sixth Form is a comprehensive school, situated in the town of New Mills, in the north west of Derbyshire.AdmissionsThe school teaches pupils from Year 7 to Year 13. The school was given its title as Business and Enterprise College in 2005 and this status was renewed in 2009.The school's main feeder primary schools are New Mills, Newtown, St George's, Thornsett, Hayfield, Hague Bar and St Mary's.HistoryGrammar schoolThe school was opened in 1912 as the New Mills Grammar School and celebrated its 100th birthday in 2012. It had around 500 boys and girls in the early 1960s, then 600 by 1964 and 700 by 1969, with a sixth form of 200.ComprehensiveThe grammar school merged with Spring Bank Secondary Modern School in September 1970 to become a comprehensive of 1,200 pupils, known as New Mills School. By 1990, it had around 900 pupils, and a sixth form of 150. The school was the only member of the Peak 11 Federation to open on 3 February 2009. In its most recent Ofsted inspection the school was taken out of special measures.Headteachers Norman Taylor ??-1962, had a distinguished war career Philip Vennis 1962–71 Jesse Elms, resigned early 2014. John Kuczaj, temporary headteacher for the rest of the 2013-14 school year. Debbie McGloin, current headteacher.SubjectsThere are 21 subjects at New Mills School, taught by 59 teachers in 8 different buildings and 50 rooms: rooms 5–19, Music 1–2, Language 1–4, Maths 1–6, Sixth Form 1–5, Drama 1–2, Art 1–3, the Gym, Workshop 1–2, Food 1–2, 8 Science labs and a construction centre.
Tags: High School