New Romney Pharmacy is owned and run by DBM Medicals.The vision for New Romney Pharmacy is ‘To be the best pharmacy in Kent and deliver best-in-class personalized healthcare services to our customers.
The vision for New Romney Pharmacy is ‘To be the best pharmacy in Kent and deliver best-in-class personalized healthcare services to our customers. We hope to give each customer an amazing health rewarding experience in our pharmacy’.
New Romney Pharmacy hopes to incorporate its core values of commitment, collaboration, communication and continuous improvement into every customer experience. It hopes to be more than a dispensing chemist by dispensing health information and creating an experience for each customer that helps them live healthier more fulfilling lives after each visit to the pharmacy.
Services the pharmacy offers include:
NHS and private prescription dispensing,
Smoking cessation
Managed Repeat prescription Service
Medicines Use Review
Weight loss management
Free blood pressure Free prescription collection and delivery
Flu Vaccination
Monitored dosage systems
Expert advice for minor ailments from a very highly skilled team
Over the counter medicines including cough and cold,allergy,pain killers,digestive health,children's healthcare,
skin care,oral hygiene,first aid,foot care,feminine care,incontinence, and vitamins
Beauty products including make up , suncare,bath and body